Sunday, February 27, 2011

Elect Her, Even If She Has An Infection!

So as I mentioned in my last post, I have an anxiety disorder that keeps me from interacting with others. Well more than a month ago I was nominated to attend a leadership workshop for young women to teach them how to win campaigns. I decided that I would go since it was a good opportunity, though I am certainly not looking to run for an elected no point in my life.

Well the night before I was to attend the Elect Her workshop, I literally had a mental breakdown, where everything negative that could happen at the workshop was running through my mind. I was going to look horrible in my outfit, I was going to sit in the corner and look weird the whole time, I was going to be the only one not interested in running for a political office, etc. I cried and cried and after a "Put on your big girl panties" speech from Michael, I managed to remain collected throughout the night and during the workshop next day. I was still nervous and anxious, but for the most part, just as Michael said, I was fine and I didn't focus on me and my own crazy mind. I did so much better than I think I have ever done before in a social situation and I was truly pleased with myself. Speaking about being pleased, I am so glad that March weather is here! This evening I was able to get out and walk about five miles around campus, the track, and some surrounding neighborhoods. It feels so good to just walk to no specific place or no specific distance and just chat with Michael. We went through so many subjects of conversation from religion (Michael is a Mormon converted to paganism and I have a Methodist background) to baby showers to housing for next semester to how anal Michael is with his cleaning habits!

On a lighter and slightly more hilarious note, I discovered that Michael and I have been passing an STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection) back and forth between us. It was causing itching, burning, and some other far more unpleasant side effects. Fortunately, the infection is really common in women and most women get it at least once in their lives. So with a quick stop by the pharmacy I got some over the counter medication and Michael and I are in the healing process!


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